Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Patrick Stewart NAKED?!

Ever so slightly gay enough to qualify of things worth mentioning. This pic gave me a quick chuckle, found it cause I'm following George Takei on Facebook.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Military Booty!

I snapped some pics when I found these students so engulfed to what their instructor was saying, their posture straight and their asses proud. especially the preppy gentleman in the middle. I love Army butt, Military ass, Soldier booty. Whatever you wanna call it. 

I just want to go to town on our armed forces sometimes. Don't you? And yes, I actually took these myself so excuse the rush. I didn't wanna hang around to long lest these strapping gentlemen kick my ass. Hmm... kicking mine while I'd gladly kiss theirs.

New Year Booty

A little late to the party, but these football butts I've been getting just had to be shared. Crabtree is my favorite! Hope 2014 is going well for everyone. It's good to be back.

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